General Contractor, Subcontractor —

When and How Procore is a good fit with Rhumbix

RhumbixMay 21, 2024 • 8 min read

When and How Procore “Project Management” is a good fit with Rhumbix “Field Resource and Time Management” for your company.

Using dedicated software for field resource and time tracking is essential for contemporary construction project management. The following discussion dives into the distinctive features of these tools, highlighting differentiators as well as how many of them can work together for a more holistic solution. Taking this thoughtful approach, major contractors can achieve a more balanced blend of people-centric and project-centric capabilities that lead to much improved project outcomes.

In the construction industry, technology advancements have permeated all aspects of operations – communication, data storage, text processing, document exchange, advanced analysis and beyond. The proliferation of applications can often be overwhelming for already strapped project and administration teams to thoughtfully evaluate. This can lead to confusion in both analysis and eventual deployment of selected solutions, particularly with project leaders and field workers juggling diverse systems they must engage with daily.

One example is what we see sometimes when companies utilize project management tools, like Procore, and field resource and time tracking applications, such as Rhumbix. Since both types of software have some parts of their applications that serve similar functions on face value, there can be confusion about how and why to use one or the other or to use both together. Whether due to their parallel employment or overlapping focus on tasks, time, projects and cost, addressing any potential confusion early in the process holds a two-fold benefit: first, in selecting the best software for distinct company and project requirements, and second, in facilitating smooth employee onboarding to using and getting the most out of these tools.

The necessity for a smooth alignment and integration is apparent, especially in cases where the compatibility between Procore and Rhumbix can provide a huge advantage to contractors. This article aims to clarify when Procore project management is a good fit with Rhumbix timekeeping leveraging “best of breed” technologies to enhance the efficiency and productivity for contractors and when it may not be. Despite some fundamental differences, both Rhumbix and Procore can be optimally integrated based on the needs of your construction firm.

What you’ll see is that when Complexity (of resources, pay, time and cost) and Fluidity (of projects and labor) are LOW, then generally one of the solutions, Rhumbix alone or Procore, will suffice. But when either Complexity or Fluidity are HIGH, then using both Rhumbix and Procore together is highly advantageous. And when Complexity and Fluidity are BOTH HIGH, it is actually necessary to use Rhumbix in concert with a project management system like Procore as outlined here:

Complexity of Resources, Time, Pay, Cost ➡️


Fluidity of Labor and Projects
LowProcore sufficient (P) or Rhumbix sufficient (R)(P+R) Rhumbix Drives Better Efficiency
High(P+R) Need Rhumbix(P+R) Absolutely Need Rhumbix

And now the details of why this is the case:

Procore’s Project Management Software for Contractors

Let’s begin by talking about the foundation of project management software. These applications facilitate the creation of projects and their associated contracts, schedules and tasks. At their heart, they are document management systems with related document-centric workflows. Task assignment to various team members, setting deadlines, crafting checklists, routing RFIs and change orders and similar functions form the foundation of these tools, substantially streamlining project organization and adherence to contracts. While some features may vary based on the chosen tool, these shared overarching purposes bind them all.

Given the various capabilities mentioned above, project management software’s primary utility is enhancing the organization and oversight of singular projects and the contracts, people and tasks of individual projects. They offer heightened clarity in project overviews, simplify task delegation, and provide insights into completed ongoing and planned tasks.  They also provide value for individual employees by equipping them with structured task lists and corresponding timelines. This enables efficient task tracking and completion, with the ability to mark tasks as done within the software, eliminating the need for separate notifications up the reporting hierarchy. Procore project management is renowned for its prowess for orchestrating project coordination for individual projects.

Rhumbix’s Field Resource and Time Tracking Role in Construction

In contrast, Rhumbix’s time and resource tracking software focuses much more on the individual resources – people, equipment, materials and the time and tasks associated with each – used to execute projects. Similar to project management tools, Rhumbix facilitates project execution and task assignment to employees, who then complete work in the field and log all the resources associated with completion. However, time and resource tracking software goes much deeper into the data management of field resources resulting in more robust data collection and unlocking insights into things like productivity, compliance, and resource utilization. 

For managers, the Rhumbix application is a vital gauge of team efficiency, optimizing workflow organization and enhancing productivity. It provides an interface for verifying every detail of employee work records and equipment + material utilization –  foundational data for precise payroll management. Furthermore, beyond monitoring employee performance, these tools provide a full project view of progress and budget performance.

How Procore and Rhumbix are Different

The fundamental difference between Rhumbix and project management software like Procore is very simple. Project management software is Project-Centric. Rhumbix software is Resource-Centric. Procore works well for individual projects in isolation, but less so to manage a portfolio of projects. Rhumbix software works well to manage field resources and time no matter where they are employed, but does not do the document controls part of project management that Procore does so well. For example, project leaders and administrators using Procore cannot easily view the tasks and time of a particular resource like a foreman or worker when that person has worked on multiple projects in a given day or week (Fluidity).

With respect to Rhumbix, individual project drawings used for RFIs and change orders are not native to our system, so a project management solution for those sort of things are a necessary addition. As a further example, Procore’s basic time tracking function cannot handle complexities associated with union requirements, project labor agreements, etc. (Complexity).

When Complexity and Fluidity are low, a contractor can easily choose (a) Rhumbix and a simple document management solution, or (b) Procore with it’s simple timekeeping solution. But as Complexity and/or Fluidity grow, contractors generally need both something more capable than simple document management like Procore and something more capable than simple timekeeping like Rhumbix.  

Why Those Differences Lead to Highly Complementary Software for Complex Projects with Fluid Resources

Procore and Rhumbix are two distinct software solutions that can work well together. When integrated effectively, they can streamline construction project management processes and enhance resource and time tracking efficiency. Here’s how these two tools can work together:

  1. Integration Setup: Start by configuring the integration between Procore and Rhumbix. This might involve setting up APIs, connectors, or other integration methods supported by both platforms. This step ensures that data seamlessly flows between the two systems.
  2. Project Setup: Within Procore, create and set up your construction projects as usual. Define project tasks, milestones, and timelines. This information will be the foundation for the tasks that need to be tracked using Rhumbix.
  3. Task Assignment: Assign tasks to various team members using Procore’s project management tools. These tasks could be related to different aspects of the construction project, such as concrete pouring, electrical work, or equipment installation.
  4. Time Tracking in Rhumbix: As work begins on the assigned tasks, the involved workers can log their work hours using Rhumbix’s time-tracking capabilities. They can indicate when they start a job, take breaks, and complete the task.
  5. Data Sync: The integration between Procore and Rhumbix should enable data synchronization. Work hours, task progress, and completion status recorded in Rhumbix should automatically update in Procore. This keeps project managers, and stakeholders informed about the real-time progress of tasks.
  6. Reporting and Analytics: Both Procore and Rhumbix offer reporting and analytics features. Project managers can generate reports showing task progress, time spent, and potential delays. This information aids in making informed decisions to keep the project on track.
  7. Billing and Payroll: The time-tracking data from Rhumbix can also be used for accurate billing and payroll calculations. Project managers can ensure contractors and workers are paid based on actual work hours logged in Rhumbix.
  8. Performance Analysis: By analyzing the data collected in Rhumbix, project managers can assess workforce efficiency, identify bottlenecks, and make informed decisions to optimize resource allocation.
  9. Communication and Notifications: Both systems can support communication features, allowing workers to leave comments or notes on specific tasks. Project managers can also receive notifications when tasks are completed, or issues need attention.
  10. Change Management: If there are changes or modifications to the project plan in Procore, these changes can be communicated to Rhumbix to ensure that time tracking and task progress remain aligned with the updated project scope.

By effectively integrating Procore with Rhumbix, construction companies can achieve greater transparency, accuracy, and efficiency in managing all projects and tracking all employees, equipment and materials. The seamless data flow between these systems empowers teams to make timely decisions, avoid delays, and optimize construction operations.


Contemporary construction optimization hinges upon the judicious use of specialized software for project management and field-centric tracking. In this vein, understanding each tool’s essence, functionality, and potential for your company is essential. And it begins with categorizing your own operations as a contractor first.

Are your projects pretty straightforward with resources generally assigned to just one project for the duration? Then you can assess just using one of the software.

Are your projects more complex and are the resources used to complete those projects moving fluidly across projects within a given day or week? Then you need Rhumbix paired with a capable project management solution.

Ideally with this simple framework, contractors can make better choices to meet the specific needs of their business in an ever more dynamic construction landscape.