Construction Productivity, Innovation & Technology, Safety & Compliance, Subcontractor —

Streamlining field workflows achieves back office efficiency

PeritusAugust 21, 2024 • 5 min read

Construction economics requires greater efficiency and productivity now than ever. Trade contractors need support to stay profitable and meet deadlines, balancing field demands with back office expectations. The answer to many of these challenges lies in consolidating field workflows. This strategy streamlines operations and significantly improves productivity, profitability, and the ability to meet project deadlines.

The Case for Consolidation: Productivity Gains

A recent McKinsey report states that improving construction sector productivity is no longer optional. The report shows that the construction industry’s productivity has only gone up by 1% in the last twenty years. This is much lower than the productivity increases in other industries.

Many people believe that the lack of connection between workflows causes the difference. Different platforms and teams separate information and tasks.

By consolidating field workflows, trade contractors can eliminate these inefficiencies. When the back office combines all project information into one system, they can see project progress in real-time. This visibility enables better decision-making, quicker response times, and, ultimately, higher productivity on the job site.

How Rhumbix Solutions Support Workflow Consolidation

Rhumbix provides a single app to help solve workflow problems in the construction industry. By integrating solutions like timekeeping, materials tracking, and safety management into a cohesive platform, Rhumbix helps trade contractors streamline their operations.

  1. Keeping track of time is important for controlling labor costs, which can be a major expense in construction projects. Rhumbix’s Timekeeping solution helps contractors record worker hours accurately and instantly, minimizing mistakes and differences in reported time. This data seamlessly integrates with back-office systems, enabling faster payroll processing and more accurate job costing.
  2. Tracking materials on-site can be difficult when information is spread across different platforms. Rhumbix’s Time & Materials solution consolidates all material tracking into one system, providing real-time updates on material usage and inventory levels. This prevents delays from lack of materials and helps the back office track material costs better.
  3. Health & Safety Compliance: Ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations is a top priority for any construction project. Rhumbix’s Health & Safety solution makes safety reporting and compliance easier. It helps field teams and office staff manage their tasks more effectively. Contractors can avoid fines and work stoppages by organizing safety workflows and ensuring they complete all required documentation.
  4. Workflow consolidation helps use data effectively, leading to improved decision-making. Rhumbix’s Field Analytix provides real-time information about field work. It helps the office identify trends and predict problems. This level of insight is crucial for optimizing resource allocation and improving overall project outcomes.
  5. Seamless Integrations: One of the biggest challenges in workflow consolidation is ensuring that different systems can communicate effectively. Rhumbix offers a solution that connects with popular construction management software. This allows for easy data transfer between field operations and back office tasks. These tasks include project management, accounting, and payroll.

Case Study: Thomas Cavanagh Construction

An excellent example of the benefits of consolidating field workflows is the experience of Thomas Cavanagh Construction. By implementing Rhumbix’s solutions, Thomas Cavanagh Construction significantly increased productivity, profitability, and competitiveness.

The company integrated Rhumbix’s timekeeping and materials tracking systems, allowing real-time data collection and analysis. This integration reduced administrative overhead, minimized errors, and enabled the back office to make informed decisions more quickly. The result was a more streamlined operation that could deliver projects faster and more accurately, ultimately boosting the company’s bottom line.

Read more about their success here.

Case Study: Improving Health & Safety Workflows

Another success story comes from a contractor that sought to improve its health and safety reporting processes utilizing Rhumbix to collect and report safety data in one central location.

This made their processes more efficient and ensured compliance with regulations and also created a safer work environment by quickly identifying potential hazards. The improved reporting system reduced the time spent on administrative tasks, allowing the back office to focus on more strategic initiatives, ultimately enhancing the contractor’s overall efficiency.

Learn more about this case study here.

Improved Profitability Through Better Management

Consolidating field workflows improves productivity and directly impacts a contractor’s bottom line. Streamlining workflows enables the back office to operate more efficiently, reducing overhead costs and increasing profitability. By combining timekeeping with payroll, contractors can save time on processing payroll and have more resources available.

Contractors can bill clients accurately by tracking time and materials. This ensures that they receive payment for all hours and materials used. This level of precision is essential for maintaining profitability in an industry where margins are often razor-thin.

Meeting Deadlines with Greater Certainty

Meeting deadlines is crucial for maintaining client satisfaction and avoiding costly penalties. Consolidating workflows enables contractors to better manage project timelines by providing real-time updates on project progress. Centralizing project data helps the back office quickly spot delays and take action before they affect the project schedule.

Real-time field data helps contractors change resources as needed, keeping projects on schedule and ensuring they stay on track. This level of control is essential for meeting tight deadlines and delivering projects on time and within budget.


In today’s competitive construction landscape, trade contractors must consider the benefits of consolidating field workflows. Contractors can increase productivity and profits by using one platform for timekeeping, materials tracking, and safety management. This helps them meet project deadlines more consistently.

Rhumbix provides tools that help contractors improve their operations and stay ahead in the market. The McKinsey report states that increasing productivity is crucial for both surviving and thriving in the construction industry. It is not just a choice, but a necessity.